Yoel, Yisrael V'ha Pashkavilim / Yoel, Israel and the Pashkavils
Lina Chaplin, Israele, 2006, 54 min
Portrait of two eccentric characters from the Haredi society of Jerusalem: Isreal Krause is writer and printer of thousands of pashkavil, protest posters and Yoel Krause has collected more than twenty thousand.
Å Leve i et Minefelt / Living in a Mine Field
Marit Gjertsen, Norvegia, 2006, 56 min
AnVi lives in Somloth, a small village in Cambodia. In order to feed herself and her eight children she cultivates a piece of land she knows to be full of mines, she risks death daily.
Flipping Out
Yoav Shamir, Israele, 2007, 87 min
Ogni anno circa 30.000 giovani israeliani, su un totle di 50.000, dopo il servizio militare si recano in India per fare uso di droghe. Circa 2000 di loro vanno incontro a danni psichici e devono sottoporsi alle cure di specialisti.
Cabale à Kaboul / Cabal in Kabul
Dan Alexe, Belgio, 2007, 87 min
A film about Zabulon and Isaac, the last two Jews in Afghanistan, who though sharing the courtyard of Kabul's old synagogue for more than ten years, hate each other.
Razvod po Albanski / Divorce Albanian Style
Adela Peeva, Bulgaria, 2007, 66 min
In communist Albania in the 1970's many Albanians married to foreign women were forced by the state to separate from their wives – women from all over Eastern Europe – who were expelled. This film relates the stories of these couples.
Juruna, lo spirito della Foresta / Jururã, o Espírito da Floresta
Armando Lacerda, Brasile, 2008, 80 min
The funeral of Mário Juruna, the first Indio to become a Federal Deputy in Brazil, becomes an occassion to remember this extraordinary person and his fight for Indios emancipation.